Lou Bennett
Sister Sadie

1752-1797 Correspondence (5 volumes on line)
1752-1776 Correspondence Volume 1
1769 Will 24 august
1797 Tracts on Poor Laws and Pauper Management   Table of Cases Calling for Relief
1811 Théorie des peines et des récompenses Tome I  Tome II
1816 Chrestomathia    
1828-1832 Memoirs and Correspondence Works edited by John Bowring, vol.XI
1829 Traités de législation civile et pénale
1832 Auto-icon extraits des dernières volontés
1843 Works 11 volumes

 The National Charity Company: Jeremy Bentham’s Silent Revolution Charles F.Bahmueller, 1981
 Bentham and Bureaucracy Leonard J. Hume, 1981
 Jeremy Bentham’s Economic Writings, vol.2 William Stark (ed.), 1952
 Jeremy Bentham’s Economic Writings, vol.3 William Stark (ed.), 2005
 Jeremy Bentham, His Life and Work Charles M. Atkinson, 1905
 Jeremy Bentham Ten Critical Essays Bhikhu Parekh (ed.), 1974

 Jeremy Bentham on the Relief of Indigence: An Exercise in Applied Philosophy
Michael Quinn, Utilitas Vol. 6, No. 1 May 1994
 Pauvreté et assistance en Angleterre Anne Brunon-Ernst, Projet n° 279, 2004/2
 Bentham's Utopia: The National Charity Company
Gertrude Himmelfarb, The Journal of British Studies Vol.10, n°1, 1970
 review of Quinn M. (ed.), The Collected Works Vol.11 Mary Sokol, The Journal of Legal History, 33:3, 2012
 The 'Auto-Icon' of Jeremy Bentham at University College, London
C.F.A. Marmoy, Medical History, Vol. 2, Issue 2, April 1958
 Editer les oeuvres économiques de Bentham Nathalie Sigot, Cahiers d'économie Politique n° 57, 2009/2
 Contending Interpretations of Bentham's Utilitarianism
James E. Crimmins, Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol.XXIX, n° 4, December 1996
 L’école, républicaine ou utilitariste ? Condorcet ou Bentham ? Benoît Peuch, La vie des idées, 26 octobre 2020