Michael Bublé
A Foggy Day In London Town

The Collected Writings  

volume 5   A Treatise on Money I. The Pure Theory of Money
volume 12 Economic Articles and Correspondence
volume 13 The General Theory and After. Part I: Preparation
volume 19 The Return to Gold and Industrial Policy Activities 1922-1929
volume 20 Rethinking Employment and Unemployment Policies Activities 1929–1931
volume 21 World Crises and Policies in Britain and America Activities 1931-1939
volume 22 Internal War Finance Activities 1939–1945
volume 27 Shaping the Post-War World: Employment and Commodities Activities 1940-1946
volume 28 Social, Political and Literary Writings
volume 29 The General Theory and After. A Supplement
volume 30 Bibliography and Index
Catalogue of Keynes papers King's College Library, Cambridge, 1995

1913 Review of J. A. Hobson, Gold, Prices and Wages The Economic Journal, Vol. 23, No. 91, September
1919 The Economic Consequences of the Peace
1919 Les conséquences économiques de la paix
1922 An Economist's View of Population Manchester Guardian Commercial, August 17
1925 A Short View of Russia reproduit dans Essays in Persuasion [1933]
1925 Aperçu sur la Russie reproduit dans Essais de persuasion [1933]
1925 Am I A Liberal? Nation and Athenaeum, 8 and 15 August   Suis-je un libéral ?
1926 The End of Laissez-faire
1926 La fin du "laissez-faire"
1926 La fin du laissez-faire et autres textes sur le libéralisme [2017]
1929 The German Transfer Problem The Economic Journal, vol.39, n°153, March
1929 Notes for a Campaign Speech in Leicester May 29
Notes pour un discours de campagne à Leicesterdocument hussonet n°3, 6 février 2021
1929 Can Lloyd George Do ItThe Nation and Athenaeum (with H.D. Henderson)
1930 A Treatise on Money I. The Pure Theory of Money
1930 Economic possibilities for our grandchildren, in Essays in Persuasion
1930 Perspectives économiques pour nos petits enfants, dans Essais de persuasion
1930 Posibilidades económicas para nuestros nietos
1931 Essays in Persuasion  
1931 Clissold review of The World of William Clissold by H. G. WeHs, in Essays in Persuasion
1931 Essais de persuasion
1931 Essais sur la monnaie et l'économie (traduction partielle des Essays in Persuasion
1933 Essays in biography  
  Robert Malthus: the first of the Cambridge economists
  Alfred Marshall
  Mary Paley Marshall
1933 The New DealThe New York Times, 31 December 1933 et autres écrits
1933 National Self-SufficiencyThe Yale Review, vol. 22, no. 4
1933 De l'autosuffisance nationale, L'Economie politique n°31, juillet 2006
1933 An Open Letter to President RooseveltThe New York Times
1934 Poverty in Plenty: Is The Economic System Self-AdjustingThe Listener, 21 November
1936 The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
  Professor Pigou’s “Theory of Unemployment” Appendix to Chapter 19
1936 Théorie générale de l’emploi, de l’intérêt et de la monnaie
  La "théorie du chômage" du professeur Pigou Appendice au chapitre XIX
1937 Some Economic Consequences of a Declining Population Eugenics Review, vol. 29, n°1
1939 Relative Movements of Real Wages and Output The Economic Journal n°49, March
1940 How to Pay for the War A Radical Plan for the Chancellor of the Exchequer
1942-1944 The Beveridge Report Collected writings, vol. 27
1942-1945 Employment Policy Collected writings, vol. 27
1943 The Long Term Problem of Full Employment
1946 The Balance of Payments of the United States The Economic Journal, Vol.56, No.222, June
1946 The Galton Lecture The Eugenics Review, vol. 38, n° 1, 1946

 The Essential Keynes Robert Skidelsky (ed., 2015
 La pensée économique de Keynes Frédéric Poulon, 2011
 Keynes and Economic Policy Walter Eltis, Peter Sinclair, eds, 1988
 Keynes ou l’économiste citoyen Bernard Maris, 2007
 Introduction à Keynes Pascal Combemale, 2006
 Keynes as a bourgeois Marxist George Katiforis, in Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer, eds., 2004, The Rise of the Market
 Keynes on population and economic growth John Toye, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 21, Issue 1, January 1997
 John Maynard Keynes, H.G. Wells, and a Problematic Utopia
Phillip W. Magness, James R. Harrigan, History of political economy, vol.52, n° 2, 2020
 Les conséquences économiques de la paix. Faut-il désacraliser l'idole ?
Antoine Parent, Gilles Vergnon, Revue de l’OFCE n° 171, 2021
 Mark Blaug (et alii) on Keynes