Classiques de l'économie politique

    Thomas Malthus
James Mill
John Stuart Mill
Harriet Taylor Mill

David Ricardo

Jean-Baptiste Say

Adam Smith   

Thomas Malthus

1798 (First) Essay on the Principle of Population
1798 Essai sur le principle de population
1798 Primer ensayo sobre la población
1800 An Investigation of the Cause of the Present High Price of Provisions
1803 An Essay on the Principle of Population 1st edition
1815 The Grounds on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn
1826 An Essay on the Principle of Population 6th edition
1826 Ensayo sobre el principio de la población [1846]
1820 Principles of Political Economy
1820 Principes d'économie politique
1820 De la distribution occasionnée par les services personnels et par les consommateurs improductifs
Principes, Livre 2, section IX version 2
1823 The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated (with Ricardo's Notes on the text)
1827 Definitions in Political Economy
1798-1834 Unpublished papers volume 2
1852 Essai sur le principe de population traduction Pierre & Guillaume Prévost, 2éme édition
 Thomas Robert Malthus David Reisman, 2018
 Malthus and his Work James Bonar, 1885  
 Malthus populationniste ? Une lecture transdisciplinaire Yves Charbit, Population, 1-2, 1998
 Malthus on social classes: higher, lower, and middle John Pullen, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2019
 Malthus’ Essay on Population at Age 200 John Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review, December 1, 1998
 The reception of Malthus in the French language in G. Faccarello et al., dir, Malthus Across Nations, 2020

James Mill

1821 Elements of Political Economy
1829 Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. Vol. I   Vol. II
1853 Eléments d’économie politique
1869 Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. Vol. I   Vol. II  2nd Edition

John Stuart Mill

Collected Works 

Essays on Equality, Law, and Education Collected Works, Volume XXI
Essays on Sex Equality (with Harriet Taylor Mill)
1835-1847 Newspaper Writings
1838 Essay on Bentham London and Westminster Review, August
1844 Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
1846 The Condition of Ireland [27] Morning Chronicle, December 7
1848 The Principles of Political Economy Books I-II  The Principles of Political Economy Books III-V
 Of the Stationary State, Principles of Political Economy, Book IV, Chapter VI
1848 Principes d'économie politique Tome 1  Tome 2
 De l’état stationnairePrincipes d'économie politique, Livre IV, Chapitre VI
1859 On Liberty  De la liberté
1863 Utilitarianism   L'utilitarisme
1869 The Subjection of Women
1869 De l'assujettissement des femmes 
1869 Thornton on Labour and Its Claims Fortnightly Review, May 1869 & June 1869  
1970 (with Harriet Taylor) Essays on Sex Equality [1832, 1851, 1869]
1879 Chapters on Socialism  from Collected Works

 John Stuart Mill, Socialist Helen McCabe
 John Stuart Mill and the Stationary State: When does progress cease Michele Sagnelli, 2014
 The Wages Fund Controversy Revisited
William Breit, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol. 33, n° 4, November 1967
 J. S. Mill, Unions, and the Wages Fund Recantation
E. G. West & R. W. Hafer, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 92, n° 4, November 1978
 Cairnes, Mill and Ireland: some problems for political economy T.A. Boylan & T.P. Foley, Hermathena, n° 135, 1983
 John Stuart Mill, innate differences, and the regulation of reproduction Diane B. Paul, Benjamin Day
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, vol. 39, 2008

Harriet Taylor Mill

1832-33 On Marriage  in The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume XXI
1847-50 Papers on Women's Rights  in The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume XXI
1851 The Enfranchisement of Women Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, July 1851
1851 L’affranchissement des femmes  Traduction de Françoise Orazi, 2014.
Essays on Sex Equality (with John Stuart Mill)
Ecrits sur l’égalité des sexes John Stuart Mill et Harriet Taylor. Textes traduits et présentés par Françoise Orazi, 2014
 The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill Jo Ellen Jacobs, 2002
 Femme de tête ou femme de... ? Harriet Taylor et John Stuart Mill Pascal Taranto, Revue de l’enseignement philosophique, 2017

David Ricardo

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo  11 vols (Piero Sraffa, ed.)  vol.IV   vol.VII   vol.IX   vol.XI
1815 An Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock
1817 Principles of Political Economy and Taxation Piero Sraffa, ed.
1819 Des principes de l’économie politique et de l’impôt Tome 1  Tome 2  
1820 Notes on Malthus's Principles of Political Economy
1823 Notes on Malthus' The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated
1823 Note on ‘absolute value and exchangeable value’
1823 Letter to Malthus 31 August
 Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr The Ricardian 'Non-Equivalence' Theorem May 6, 1976

Jean-Baptiste Say

1800-1830 Oeuvres
1803 Traité d'économie politique
1815 Catéchisme d’économie politique
1821 Letters to Malthus on Political Economy
1840 Cours complet d’économie politique pratique, Tome I
1852 Cours complet d’économie politique pratique, Tome II

Adam Smith

1759 Theory of Moral Sentiments
1759 Théorie des sentiments moraux   
1776 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations  Volume 1  Volume 2  Volume3  
1776 Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations  Livres I et II  Livres III à V
 Adam Smith, Father of Economics, Jesse Norman, 2018
 Adam Smith's Theory of Value and Distribution. A Reappraisal, Rory O'Donnell, 1990