Sur le système de retraites suédois

Sweden to raise earliest retirement age to 64, December 14, 2017

Aspegren Hanna, Durán Jorge, Masselink Maarten
Pension reform in Sweden: Sustainability and Adequacy of Public Pensions, European Commission, July 2019

Barr Nicholas
The pension system in Sweden, Report to the Expert Group on Public Economics, 2013

COR (Conseil d'orientation de retraites)
Le pilotage du système de retraite suédois, octobre 2018

European Commision
Pension adequacy report 2018, 2018  volume 2
The 2018 Ageing Report, Economic and Budgetary Projections for the EU Member States (2016-2070)
The Swedish pension system and pension projections until 2070, Country Fiche for the 2018 Ageing Report

Hivert Anne-Françoise
Le mirage du système suédois de retraite, Le Monde, 17 mai 2018

Kadefors Roland et al.
Occupation, gender and work-life exits: a Swedish population study, Ageing & Society, Volume 38, Issue 7, July 2018

Könberg Bo, Palmer Edward, Sundén Annika
The NDC Reform in Sweden: The 1994 Legislation to the Present
in Holzmann, R. & Palmer, E. (eds.), Pension Reform. Issues and Prospects for Non-Financial Defined Contribution Schemes, The World Bank, 2006

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, The Swedish old-age pension system. How the income pension, premium pension and guarantee pension work, May 2017

Nyqvist Anette
Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System, 1999

Palmer Edward, Könberg Bo
The Swedish NDC Scheme: Success on Track with Room for Reflection, in Robert Holzmann et al., eds
Progress and Challenges of Nonfinancial Defined Contribution Pension Schemes, vol. 1, The World Bank, 2020

Rose Nicholas
Powers of Freedom. Reframing Political Thought, 1999

Settergren Ole
La Suède : la réaffirmation et l’aménagement des mécanismes d’ajustement, COR, 2014

Supiot Alain
La Gouvernance par les nombres, 2015

Swedish Pensions Agency
Orange Report, 2017